Jean-Claude Ngoga Segatagara

Bio – Pastor Jean-Claude Ngoga SEGATAGARA

Pastor Jean-Claude was raised in Kinshasa, DR Congo where He started following the Lord at a very young age.  As a young adult, he had the opportunity to participate in some village evangelism in Southern India, It is during this season that He started embracing the call for ministry  As He moved to the USA in 2001, He continued serving the Lord through his passion for worship, by supporting International worship groups in the greater Portland, Maine area.  Before continuing his education in Civil Engineering in Massachusetts, He took a firm stand on his walk with Christ by taking the full immersion baptism on April 6, 2003.  He will move to Maryland where he met his beautiful and anointed wife Chantal in 2008. Together they have built a house of prayer warriors with their children: Xavier, Belina and Branden  He strengthened his calling by serving in various ministries in the DMV area where He served as Worship leader, Sunday school teacher, Administrative Minister, Outreach Minister  In 2020, He decided to invest in his calling and joined the Pastor-Teacher School of the Apostolic Movement International Ministry for a rigorous Pastoral Training.  Since 2017, Under the Leadership of Apostle Diallo and Rev. Claudine, He followed continuous leadership and Pastoral Discipleship training based on the Cross Pointe Churches Culture, serving as Outreach Minister at Cross Pointe Healing House.  He is passionate to see the young generation reach maturity in their faith so they can be true world changer. He has a heart for the less fortunate and strongly believe to make the church a place where people belong and can find rest. That is his mission as He leads Cross Pointe Abundant Grace.

French - Francais

Le pasteur Jean-Claude a été élevé à Kinshasa, en RD Congo, où il a commencé à suivre le Seigneur dès son plus jeune âge.  En tant que jeune adulte, il a eu l'occasion de participer à l'évangélisation de certains villages dans le sud de l'Inde. C'est au cours de cette saison qu'il a commencé à accepter l'appel au ministère.  Lorsqu'il a déménagé aux États-Unis en 2001, il a continué à servir le Seigneur à travers sa passion pour l’adoration, en soutenant des groupes de louanges internationaux dans la grande région de Portland, dans le Maine.  Avant de poursuivre ses études en génie civil dans le Massachusetts, il a pris une position ferme dans sa marche avec le Christ en prenant le baptême en immersion le 6 avril 2003.  Il déménagera dans le Maryland où il a rencontré sa belle et ointe épouse Chantal en 2008. Ensemble, ils ont construit une maison des guerriers de la prière avec leurs enfants : Xavier, Belina et Branden  Il a renforcé sa vocation en servant dans divers ministères dans la région du DMV où il a été conducteur d’adoration, enseignant de l'école du dimanche, ministre administratif, ministre de la sensibilisation.  En 2020, Il décide d'investir dans sa vocation et rejoint l'Ecole Pasteur-Enseignant du Ministère International du Mouvement Apostolique pour une Formation Pastorale rigoureuse.  Depuis 2017, sous la direction de l'apôtre Diallo et de la révérende Claudine, il a suivi une formation continue en leadership et en disciple pastorale basée sur la culture des églises de Cross Pointe et servant comme Ministre de l’évangélisation a Cross Pointe Healing House.  Il est passionné de voir la jeune génération atteindre la maturité dans leur foi afin qu'elle puisse être un véritable changeur de monde. Il a un cœur pour les moins fortunés et croit fermement à faire de l'église un endroit où les gens appartiennent et peuvent trouver du repos. Cela est donc sa mission pour l’église Cross Pointe Abundant Grace

Chantal Wamulumba Segatagara

Bio – Prophetess Chantal WAMULUMBA

Prophetess Chantal was raised in East Africa, where she started following the Lord at a very young age. As a young adult, she had the opportunity to participate in deliverance ministry where the Lord revealed her powerful gift of praying for the sick and her passion to bring solutions to those facing difficult situations because of sickness and financial struggles. She was involved in Hospital Ministries where she help in providing food for the less fortunate.

As She moved to the USA in 1999, She continued serving the Lord through her passion for worship, by supporting singing in Choirs in various Churches in the west coast (Washington State and California) She eventually moved to Maryland where she continued her higher Education in Psychology at the University of Maryland Baltimore Campus (UMBC). While continuing her education there, she did some additional training and became a Certified MedTech, and a Behavior Therapist. She strengthened her calling by serving in various ministries in the DMV area where She served as Young Adults Minister, Events Coordinator, and Administrative Minister, She has played a major role in organization very important programs and events for various ministries in the DMV area. Since 2017, Under the Leadership of Apostle Diallo and Rev. Claudine, She followed continuous leadership and Prophetic Ministry training based on the Cross Pointe Churches Culture, serving as Public Relations and Event Coordinator at Cross Pointe Healing House. In 2019, She decided to invest in her calling and joined the Prophetic School of the Apostolic Movement International Ministry for a rigorous Office of the Prophet Training. She is passionate to see the young generation reach maturity in their faith so they can truly change the world. She has a heart for the less fortunate and strongly believe to make the church a place where people belong and can find rest. Her administrative skills and grace helps her run the executive departments of Cross Pointe Abundant Grace.